There are tons of new Online Exclusive products available starting today!
I know one item many people are excited about and that's the new Color Coach. It sold out once already during the Demo pre-order period. I hope they ordered a bunch for you all!
See all of the newest Online products here.
We have two new suites available; the first one is the Hearts of Elegance.
Another new suite of products is the Otterly Amazing suite.
There are lots more items including bundles, embossing folders, gems, twines and more.
There are also two brand new kits too! See them in the first two photos below. Click on each to see details:
November Specials:
*current host code link: VGUD6UA7
Get a package of Gold Textured dots with your online order
All online orders in November will receive a free PDF tutorial featuring the Reindeer Days suite