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April 22, 2011



Sooooooooo cute! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. Can't wait to play around and make one! I just LOVE that added buckle.


Thanks for the tutorial.


TFS, I just made 4 of them. They are so stinking
cute. Great for gifts and think I may have a workshop on the. Linea


I love it. I've always liked little boxes.

Kim Van Zuiden

Thanks for sharing this adorable box template. I can't wait to try it out.

Susan G

Such a cute little box. It would make a super gift for teachers.

Susan M.

Very nice! Looks great and so easy! My MIL would love this so I'd better get on it!


Great project, thanks for sharing!

Patti J.

Oh my goodness! This is SO adorable! Thanks for sharing, LeeAnn - you rock!


thanks so much for sharing this awesome project! this will be on my inspiration blog post tomorrow. TFS


Thanks LeeAnn love following your blog


I've found your blog today and I spent ages reading on it.
Your creativity is really awesome. Just had to put you on my blog-list.

Happy Easter!


Thanks LeeAnn for a great tutorial. I can't wait to make one of these cute little boxes.

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LeeAnn Greff
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